Monday, June 3, 2013

Day -2

So yesterday was pretty crazy.  We started out (My friend Alex and I) heading out to go visit our friend John Ivers in Bruceville, IN.  John is responsible for creating a roller coaster in his back yard and we go every year to ride it.

We got some good videos on the roller coaster with my shiny new GoPro H3.  They will be made into a nice video later but today youll get a snippet of them in the video that is uploading while I am typing. so after that we headed out back to Louisville, KY to get our flights to our final destinations.

When we arrived my flight was delayed 45 mins (original departure time was suposed to be 6:10)  and Alex's was delayed about 25. That wasnt that bad but when I got to Chicago everything was delayed like crazy. My flight was originally delayed about a half hour but we finally left about 80 mins late which put me into SF late enough that I couldnt go get my rental car and had to pay a shuttle to get me to my hotel which cost me about 20 bucks which I guess I didnt even need to pay since the driver entered the wrong crediti card number (but I am nice and corrected him).

Finally got to my hotel about 1 in the morning and passed out

Have a great day

Peace, Love, and Batteries
White "DJ" Doug

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