Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 62 11th Day off but last day off:(

So today we woke up at 7:30 and headed down for breakfast where we were sponsored by Pi Alpha's and brothers at the University of Pittsburgh.  It was a great breakfast with lots of different Juices, eggs, cereals, bagels, and all sorts of other stuff.

After breakfast we actually had some free time so I caught up a little more on videos. I currently am only like 4 days behind but I will get them caught up soon.

We then had a friendship visit/lunch with the UCP/Class of Pittsburgh. We hung out with the clients I hung out with a guy named Sergei and we talked about movies and video games and had some really good like bbq ham and perogeis(SP?). After we headed out for a picture and then headed back to the rooms for a few hours of free time. I worked more on videos and helped Blake with the music video.

We then went out to hang out with The Woodlands which is a camp for children with disabilities. We met up with the Build America guys and had our dinner which was sausage and chicken. We did some leadership talks for the kids and then after we headed back to lodging.

I went out with a few of the guys to get sushi as I havent had sushi in forever and then headed back to go to bed.

Have a good night

Peace, Love, and Sushis
White "DJ" Doug

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