Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 34 Minden, NE to Grand Island, NE the short ride

So we woke up at 6am and had our breakfast like usual.  Today we had a really short ride. It was only 50 miles and yea some people would be like "only 50??" yea it was pretty simple. We all made it in about 2.5 hours. I rode with Steven and David today.

The ride had really no hills at all and was either flat or down hill. My Strava even said no elevation gain lol

We arrived at the stageup for our arrival at the John Deer dealership in Grand Island and we hung out there for a little while till the police arrived for our escort into our arrival at the Holiday Inn in Grand Island.  We metup with the people of ARC of Grand Island and there was a lot of media out there to do interviews with the guys. It was a lot of fun

We then put our bikes away and had lunch with some of the people of ARC and the ladies of Grand Island that were sponsoring our time here. We had a mixture of KFC with Sonic slushies, and Dairy Queen ice cream it was a good lunch.

After lunch we had a few hours of free time in which I took a nice nap and then at 5pm we all metup to go to dinner.  We had dinner at the Elks Lodge in Grand Island and had some burgers and fries and such for dinner. After dinner we had a dance with the ARC clients and had a great time dancing.

After the dance we said our goodbyes and we went back to the hotel.  A few of the guys went out to celebrate one of the cyclists (Jeff Watson) 21'st birthday. I hung out for an hour or so then went to Sonic to hang out with some of the people that sponsored our visit here.

Now its time for bed

Peace, Love, and Horns
White "DJ" Doug

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